Sunday, May 10, 2020
Virginia Beach City Operating Budget - 1176 Words
Transit represents a little less than one-half of one percent of the Virginia Beach city operating budget. If light rail is built, only in its third year of operation will light rail and the associated inflation drive that number up to just about one-half of one percent. Virginia Beach, a resort city, is a suburban community with many environmental assets. There are green areas to the south that require protection. As the city is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay these require careful consideration for safeguarding. Virginia Beach has very little in the way of land to develop so thinking vertically is a strategic plan the city has embraced and light rail is at the heart of its future when it comes to a unified Norfolk/Virginia Beach Metro mass transit system. As previous explained in the literature review of this study, those for the extension say it will spur economic development along the designated route, help lower taxes through a wider tax base, and create additional opportunities for transit. Those against its creation argue that light rail is an old technology that is very expensive and will not stimulate economic development or move enough people to validate the cost. A purposeful analysis, will examine whether light rail will improve the quality of life for residents in Virginia Beach and if an incremental tactic in its construction is the correct way forward. Regardless if the resort city remains a fiscally sound municipality, is theShow MoreRelatedHotel Industry4982 Words  | 20 Pages| 28 | INTRODUCTION India is a great tourist destination as well as commercial hub; this makes it a most lucrative nation for a hotel business. 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