Friday, May 22, 2020
Provide Leadership Across The Organization - 1279 Words
PROVIDE LEADERSHIP ACROSS THE ORGANISATION Assessment 2 Submitted by: Your past and background I have completed the courses of CertIII, IV and Diploma of Commercial Cookery and Hospitality Management from a local reputable TAFE institute. And I have been working in an Italian restaurant in Carlton as the sous chef for the past 4 years. I have experiences in menu designing and budget controlling. Your short and long term professional goals Short term professional goals I would like to secure my current working position as the sous chef and be promoted to a head chef within the next 6 months’ time starting from June 01 2016 to December 01 2016. Long term professional goals I want to learn more skills and knowledge in menu designing, nutrition balance, dietary requirements and finance controlling within the restaurant industry area, so that in the future I can use these knowledge to open up my own restaurant using five years’ time. Opportunities that are available to you now and in future ï€ Understand the company s structures, functions, and culture environments ï€ Attain the basic levels of business admin, accounting and managerial technological skills ï€ Establish the networks with business partners, advising groups, and local communities ï€ Explore the personal and professional opportunities ï€ Expand the knowledge in food production and cuisine making ï€ Build relationships with expert peers ï€ Mentor relationships with the senior professionals ï€ Show MoreRelatedNebraska Catholic Health Initiatives Is A Non Profit Organization And Faith Based Health System1334 Words  | 6 PagesA1: Description of the Organization Nebraska Catholic Health Initiatives is a non-profit organization and faith-based health system. This is a large corporate organization across the country. The reason why l chose this organization is because I am currently employed as a provider relations coordinator. This is a catholic based organization, moreover it’s the largest non-profit health system in Nebraska. It operates a total of ten hospitals across the state, one academic center in Omaha, homeRead MoreEthical Leadership Styles As Tools For Influencing Organizational Culture751 Words  | 4 Pagesthis paper is to discuss ethical leadership styles as tools for influencing organizational culture while respecting the diversity of cultures embodied by employees. The variety of leadership styles are because of the cultural influences, people of different cultures have diverse beliefs and expectations about what is perceived as effective leadership (Jogulu, 2010). 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Undoubtedly, the world is expanding rapidly, and at the same time shrinking in some aspects that have made national borders increasingly irrelevant. In fact, global expansion has been used by western leadership to increase large scale transferRead MoreLeadership Models And Organizational Culture885 Words  | 4 Pages Leadership Models Organizational Culture Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 7, 2016 Ethical Leadership Models Leaders that demonstrate a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner are viewed as trustworthy and subordinates gravitate toward them. Ethical leaders have a foundational belief in honesty and trustworthiness and disseminating these principles throughout the organization. This paper will present ethical leadership models as toolsRead MoreCulture Shaping Leadership : The Business World987 Words  | 4 PagesCulture-Shaping Leadership The business world has expanded globally in the 21st century. With the development of the Internet, companies can expand into new markets in a fraction of the time previously necessary. With this new global frontier, organizations have found new challenges. Culture barriers present real obstacles for building cohesive organizational structure. In order to overcome this hurdle and take advantage of the cultural diversity, the leadership must find an effective model to accommodate
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Virginia Beach City Operating Budget - 1176 Words
Transit represents a little less than one-half of one percent of the Virginia Beach city operating budget. If light rail is built, only in its third year of operation will light rail and the associated inflation drive that number up to just about one-half of one percent. Virginia Beach, a resort city, is a suburban community with many environmental assets. There are green areas to the south that require protection. As the city is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay these require careful consideration for safeguarding. Virginia Beach has very little in the way of land to develop so thinking vertically is a strategic plan the city has embraced and light rail is at the heart of its future when it comes to a unified Norfolk/Virginia Beach Metro mass transit system. As previous explained in the literature review of this study, those for the extension say it will spur economic development along the designated route, help lower taxes through a wider tax base, and create additional opportunities for transit. Those against its creation argue that light rail is an old technology that is very expensive and will not stimulate economic development or move enough people to validate the cost. A purposeful analysis, will examine whether light rail will improve the quality of life for residents in Virginia Beach and if an incremental tactic in its construction is the correct way forward. Regardless if the resort city remains a fiscally sound municipality, is theShow MoreRelatedHotel Industry4982 Words  | 20 Pages| 28 | INTRODUCTION India is a great tourist destination as well as commercial hub; this makes it a most lucrative nation for a hotel business. The cultural-regional diversity and abundance of natural as well as man-made resources along with cities, towns, and hill stations well connected with transportation attracts multinational visitors from across the globe, providing opportunities for new hotels throughout India. HISTORY EVOLUTION The hotel industry that exists today can be tracedRead MoreDarden Mba Resumes16768 Words  | 68 PagesFirst Year Resume Book 2009-2010 ABHINAV AGRAWAL 105 Ivy Drive Apt 09 ï‚ · Charlottesville, VA 22903 ï‚ · (434) 249-7645 ï‚ · EDUCATION Darden Graduate School of Business Administration University of Virginia Candidate for Master of Business Administration, May 2011 ï‚ · Awarded Batten Innovation Scholarship (merit-based full tuition scholarship); ï‚ · GMAT: 730; AWA: 5.5 ï‚ · Member of Finance Club, Energy Club and Darden Capital Management Club Charlottesville, VA NanyangRead MoreChapter 1 Systems Analysis and Design Thesis (Resort)7416 Words  | 30 Pagesskiing became popular as well as gambling. North America: Spas Like Europe, North American hotels were developed around spas in the late 1800s. The first resorts were built first in the east in Virginia, New York and West Virginia. Shortly after, seaside resorts became popular. It was not until later that beach resorts were built in the south and mountain-based resorts were developed out west. The first luxury resort was built in 1829 in Boston. It was called the Tremont House and featured bellboysRead MoreSilver Ships Case Study Essay6823 Words  | 28 Pages576 21,845 876,421 325,460 $ 550,961 Net sales Cost of goods sold Direct labor Direct materials Other direct costs Total cost of goods sold Gross profit Operating expenses Salaries and wages Payroll taxes Employee benefits Amortization and depreciation expense Insurance Rents Repairs and maintenance Other operating expenses Total operating expenses Income from operations Other income (expense) Income before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net income Source: Silver Ships Incorporated. Read MoreTqm in Starwood9288 Words  | 38 Pagessupervising the managers and employees that operate these facilities. For additional fees, it provides centralized reservation services and coordinates national advertising and certain marketing and promotional services. It prepares and implements annual budgets for the hotels it manages and is responsible for allocating property-owner funds for periodic maintenance and repair of buildings and furnishings. In addition to its owned and leased hotels, at December 31, 2009, it managed 440 hotels with approximatelyRead MoreSouthwest Airlines Strategic Analysis9610 Words  | 39 Pagesï » ¿Southwest Airlines Culture, Values And Operating Practices Essay retrieved from Case Study Southwest Airlines: Culture, Values and Operating Practices (in Thompson, A. A., Strickland. A. J. and Gamble, J. (2005) Crafting and Executing Strategy (Fourteenth Edition), McGraw-Hill, New York, pages C-636– C-664). Tasks The case study, prepared by Arthur A. Thompson, University of Alabama, and John E. 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It will help reform people to face society with a better behavior and become a better member of the community. Architectural In this study, design techniques are explored in order to solve the congestion and security concerns of Philippine jailRead MoreCorporate Identity10953 Words  | 44 PagesT. Balmer Professor of Corporate Identity Bradford School of Management Emm Lane Bradford West Yorkshire BD9 4JL England U.K. and Dr Helen Stuart Lecturer School of Business and Informatics McAuley Campus Australian Catholic University PO Box 456 Virginia Brisbane 4014 QLD, Australia. ABSTRACT There can be few organizations that have received as much media attention as British Airways (BA). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Competition for Tripadvisor Free Essays
Competitor Analysis Know Your Options: TripAdvisor TripAdvisor is one of the largest travel sites with more than 40 million travelers reading and writing reviews each month. If you own or manage a hotel/accommodation, vacation rental, restaurant or attraction, you should claim or create a listing on TripAdvisor. Creating your business account will enable you to update your business details, showcase photos, promote specials and respond to guest reviews. We will write a custom essay sample on Competition for Tripadvisor or any similar topic only for you Order Now TripAdvisor also offers a wide range of marketing opportunities and content solutions you may want to explore. Competitor analysis and identification: 1. Who is our competition? Home Away inc,- founded in February 2005 Over the years, HomeAway CEO Brian Sharples and his family rented a variety of ski and beach homes, enjoying the space, availability of a kitchen and flexibility to invite others on vacation. However, he found that finding and booking a property online in the highly-fragmented vacation rental industry was not as easy as reserving a hotel. It was out of this frustration, that he realized the opportunity to transform the vacation rental industry and build the world’s leading marketplace for online vacation rentals. HomeAway, Inc. was founded by Sharples and Carl Shepherd in February 2005. Orbitz Worldwide Inc,-Founded in 2001 Orbitz Worldwide enables travelers to research, plan and book a broad range of travel products, facilitating 1. 5 million flight searches and one million hotel searches every day. 4] Orbitz Worldwide is a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange following its initial public offering (IPO) in July 2007. Orbitz Worldwide’s largest investor is Travelport, one of the world’s largest networks of travel brands, content and service offerings. Priceline. com Inc- Founded in 1997 Priceline. com is an Internet-based transactional service that offers products in two categories: a travel service that offers leisure airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental ca rs, packaged vacations and cruises; and a personal finance service that markets home mortgages, refinancing and home quity loans through an independent licensee. 2. What is the profile of our competitors? Orbitz Worldwide, Inc. operates as an online travel company that enables leisure and business travelers to research, plan, and book a range of travel products. It provides a set of travel products, including air, hotels, vacation packages, car rentals, cruises, travel insurance, and destination services, such as ground transportation, event tickets, and tours worldwide. The company owns and operates a portfolio of consumer brands, including Orbitz, CheapTickets, ebookers, HotelClub, RatesToGo, and the Away Network, as well as corporate travel brands, such as Orbitz for Business and Travelport for Business. HomeAway, Inc. operates as an online marketplace for the vacation rental industry. It offers an extensive selection of vacation homes, privately owned residential properties, including homes, condominiums, villas and cabins, which can be rented on a nightly, weekly or monthly basis. Priceline. com Incorporated has pioneered a unique e-commerce pricing system known as a `demand collection system` that enables consumers to use the Internet to save money on a wide range of products and services while enabling sellers to generate incremental revenue. Using a simple and compelling consumer proposition – Name Your Own Price – priceline. com collects consumer demand, in the form of individual customer offers guaranteed by a credit card, for a particular product or service at a price set by the customer. . What are the business goals of our competitors? -Orbits goal is to transform the way the world looks at travel -Home Away plans  to be part of a coalition being formed with a goal of standardizing rules governing the vacation rental market -Priceline’s  goal is to lead the industry as a world-class customer-centric company, with an infrastructure that delivers the best, personalized customer service experience is absolutely fundamental to our company’s long-term success on the Internet. 4. What market strategies are being followed by the competition and what is the success rate? Marketing strategy for Price line is Introduction which is the one place where you can satisfy your every need (almost every need) at your price? Be it airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, mortgages, new automobiles, or even long distance calling time. 5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors? Presented in SWOT Analysis) 6. What threats / opportunities do they pose? (Presented in SWOT Analysis) References: http://finance. yahoo. com/q/co? s=TRIP+Competitors http://www. bizjournals. com/austin/news/2013/02/25/homeaway-part-of-national-coalition. html http://essaymania. com/14492/marketing-strategy-for-priceline-com http://www. homeaway. com/info/about-us/company-info/corporate-faqs/why-founded How to cite Competition for Tripadvisor, Essay examples
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